New Species: Expedition Amazon Rainforest

  • Mountainfilm

Nowhere else is a bigger chance to discover new animal and plant species than in the isolated mountains of Serra da Mocidade – located in the centre of the Amazon forest, the most biodiverse region of the world.




2x 43 min


Maurício Dias


Making use of the state-of-the-art technology, this real scientific-adventure documentary will follow a group of the most renowned scientists as they plan and set off for a major expedition within a still unexplored part of the Amazon jungle, in search for new species.

Moved during their journey to 3 different bases and altitudes of the Amazon mountain known as “Serra da Mocidade”, for the first time in 10 years of intensive planning these scientists will need to work together and help each other with no external support. They have only 30 days to become part of History! They will be split into groups by expertises. Our cameras will follow them in real time while they run against time to reach their aims.

Tension, drama, expectations, conquers and failure are just the beginning. The Amazon jungle is waiting for them!


Written and directed by 
Maurício Dias

Evandro Marcel Fontana
Henrique Mourão
Tiago Severiano da Silva
Haroldo Palo Junior

André Finotti 
Paulo Mattos

Scientific Advice
Mario Cohn-Haft

Alexandre Guerra

Miquéas Motta

Line Producer 
Kathrin Isberner
Isabel Oliva

Production Manager
Leonardo Branco
Anique Roelfsema

Creative Producer
Lea-Marie Körner
Kerstin Meyer-Beetz

Fernando Dias
Mauricio Dias
Christian Beetz
Tatiana Battaglia

Commissioning Editor 
Martin Pieper (ZDF)

The Cleaners
88 min
  • „Just in diesem Moment überraschen uns die aus dem Theaterbereich stammenden jungen Regisseure Hans Block und Moritz Riesewieck mit einem erstaunlichen Dokumentarfilm, der seit Monaten Publikum und Kritik auf den wichtigsten Festivals der Welt elektrisiert. Völlig zu Recht: Es ist, als würden einem die Scheuklappen weggerissen, als sähe man das, was sich seit Jahren direkt vor unseren Augen abspielt, zum ersten Mal unverschleiert... eine fesselnde ,Doku noir' mit höchstem Anspruch...Dieser Film müsste an allen Schulen gezeigt werden.“
    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

A production by

  • Beetz
  • grifa

In co-production with

  • zdf
  • Globo filmes
  • globo news
  • Filmland

In collaboration with

  • arte

Supported by

INPA – Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
CMA – Comando Militar da Amazônia
4º BAVEX – Batalhão de Aviação do Exército
ICMBio – Instituto Chico Mendes de Conservação da Biodiversidade