We are very sad to announce that Alfred Prkosch has passed away on January 3rd 2011, at the Rudolfstiftung Hospital in Vienna following a kidney failure. Alfred Proksch had just celebrated his 102nd birthday a few weeks ago.
Born in 1908 in Vienna, the graphic designer has been an active athlete for almost all his life. His biggest triumphs were the 6th place in pole vault at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin and the first place at the 1937 Commonwealth Games in London. Alfred Proksch never stopped doing sports since, moving to javelin, shot put and discus in his late years. 

In Autumn Gold, he was shown in his preperation for the 2009 World Masters Athletics Championships where he threw the discus one last time – and won Gold. 

Alfred Proksch was also a keen graphic artist, with a special interest in drawing nude models. Preferably young ones.

He was very glad that he could live, although with some assistance, in his own beloved apartment until very recently.
We will always remember him as this laughing athlete standing on top of the podium in Finland, proudly holding his gold medal.

 Thank you, Mr Proksch, for sharing some time of your long life with us.